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Social movement No more sanctions!

The coordinator of movement No more sanctions! is Valeriy Viktorovich Kubarev has addressed in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation with the requirement to recognize the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin No. 560 from 06.08.2014 About application of separate special economic measures with view of safety of the Russian Federation not corresponding to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and breaking rights and freedom of citizens. Please support the petition and the Complaint!

Kubarev’s constitutional Complaint has been registered by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation at 15.01.2015 behind number No. 448/15-01/15.

It is known that on August 6, 2014 the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin has signed the Decree No. 560 About application of separate special economic measures with view of safety of the Russian Federation. The basic idea of the Decree of V.V. Putin was problem to put material damage to agricultural manufacturers from the countries of the European Union, the USA, Canada, Japan and Australia, by an interdiction to own citizens to use in I peep high-quality and cheap products of the civilized world. Thus, sanctions of food embargo have been directed not so much against the West, how many against all Russian people. Today we can is proved to assert, that idea of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin to punish citizens of the Russian Federation for own certificates of foreign policy aggression has come to the end with deafening success.

We believe that the specified acts of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin break positions of the right and freedom of citizens of the Russian Federation, namely position of the Constitution of the Russian Federation clauses 2; clauses 7, chapter 1 and clauses 8, chapter 1.

The applicant counts that the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin from August 6, 2014 No. 560 About application of separate special economic measures with view of safety of the Russian Federation and corresponding orders of the Government of the Russian Federation on execution of the given Decree, namely – an interdiction or restriction on realization of the external economic operations providing import on territory of the Russian Federation of separate kinds of agricultural production, raw material and the foodstuffs which country of origin are the states which have accepted the decision on introduction of economic sanctions concerning Russian legal and (either) the physical persons or joined to such decision, of freedom of citizens of the Russian Federation violate the rights also.

Interdiction and restrictions on import to the Russian Federation agricultural production and food stuffs break consumer rights of citizens of the Russian Federation as compel to refuse the use in I peep the grown fond products and limit the option of qualitative, unique, healthy, cheap and safe production. During action of the Decree No. 560 from 06.08.2014 restrictive measures have led to boomerang effect from declared benefits of his application. The unjustified damage has been put to grocery safety of the Russian Federation, many qualitative and inexpensive food stuffs have disappeared from counters of shops, exporters and importers have incurred multi-billion losses, and the food stuffs which have stayed in shops have essentially grown in the price and continue to rise in price day by day. Thus, application of the Decree No. 560 has broken constitutional laws and freedom of citizens of the Russian Federation, has caused nothing the proved material damage and has essentially lowered a standard of living of the population.

For consideration of the Complaint the Applicant suggests to cause as experts on session of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation the following citizens:

1. Minister of economic development of the Russian Federation Alexey Valentinovich Uljukaev.
2. Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Nikolay Vasiljevich Fedorov.
3. The former vice-president of the Government of the Russian Federation, the deputy of the Yaroslavl regional thought Boris Efimovich Nemtsov.
4. Former Minister of Economics of the Russian Federation Andrey Alexeevich Nechaev.
5. Politician Alexey Anatolievich Navalny.
6. Economic analytics Stepan Gennadievich Demura.

Session of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation it will be appointed in 2-3 months. For this time we ask all interested and not indifferent people to take part in voting with the requirement to cancel action of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin from 06.08.2014 No. 560 About application of separate special economic measures with view of safety of the Russian Federation.

The purpose of the reference of the coordinator of movement No more sanctions! is Valeriy Kubarev in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation consists in creation of legal precedent according to which bosses of Russia have no right to accept Decrees and the legal certificates which are rendering a material damage to Russian people both violating the rights and freedom of own citizens.

Please Vote in link: https://www.change.org/p/конституционный-суд-рф-президент-рф-в-в-путин-требуем-отменить-указ-no-560-от-06-08-2014-в-в-путина-об-эмбарго

Materials of the Complaint in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation can be found on page of community No more sanctions! in Facebook under the link: https://www.facebook.com/NoMoreSanctions and web-sites links:


We call people of good will to vote for our petition, for rights and freedom of citizens of Russia! Stop embargo! Stop sanctions! Stop confrontation!


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